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Dance Therapeutics Level 1: FOUNDATIONS

(The first step to unlocking your optimal body, dance, & life)

18.5 hours of in-depth study with Dancer, Yogi, Bodyworker, and Dance Therapeutics Creator, Deb Rubin. 


Get out of Pain.   Enhance Your Dance.  Transform your Life.

Whether you are a tribal fusion belly dancer, ATS, cabaret, contemporary, jazz, or ballet dancer; whether you are beginner or advanced/professional, this weekend intensive will give you the tools and techniques to properly and safely unlock and unwind tension patterns in your body, up-level your dance technique, artistry, body ability, creativity, and self-care, providing you the foundation for the well-rounded dancer toolkit.  Sourced from over 20 years of study and exploration in Somatics, Yoga, Movement Arts, Mind-Body Medicine, Integrative Anatomy and applied specifically for dancers, yoginis, and performance artists, this immersion includes the leading-edge subject matter that is not taught in regular belly dance classes or workshops and that will dramatically and effectively unlock and unwind your body, open new movement pathways, refine your technique and form, improve flexibility and strength, balance your mind, unlock creativity, deepen your somatic awareness and understanding of integrative anatomy, fascia, self-care for dancers, and help you access the deeper levels of your artistic embodiment in the studio, on the stage, and in life.  I have seen dramatic shifts in dancers' posture, poise, and technique from taking this training.  Dancers get increased fluidity in the spine and torso, improved shoulder flexibility and core strength, the ability for much bigger hip work, access to deeper places in the core for professional-looking depth of movement quality, improved self-confidence, grace, a peaceful mind, and a much improved understanding of the inner workings of their own bodymind, which is our artistic canvas, our temple, our medium for dance and performance.   

A necessary addition to any serious dancer's toolkit.  *Great for teachers, too.* 

Dance Therapeutics Level 1 gives you the foundations for Deb Rubin's complete Dance Therapeutics Training Program Levels 1 - 4 , and teacher training track.  You will learn the fundamentals of Deb Rubin's signature approach and integrative, efficient, professional training methods to support you to be the dancer, artist, and healthy human that you dream to be. 


DTL1 is the prerequisite for Level 2 and continued study in Dance Therapeutics. 

A welcome email including what to bring, how to prepare, and a suggested reading list will be sent out upon registration. 


(exact times may change, depending on training location)

Day 1

6:00pm- 9:30pm  Body as Canvas: Foundation, Interconnectivity & Functional Anatomy: Dance Therapeutics Groundwork  3.5 hours
As the introduction to the workshop and laying the foundations, this module introduces you to FASCIA as a roadmap for better understanding your body in movement, dancer anatomy, how to unlock the body and maximize potential for flow states and performance optimization.  You will be introduced to the individual fascia chains as mapped by Tom Meyer's Anatomy Trains and dynamic tensegrity to revision the body in a more integrative, dynamic way, as well as the #1 self-care practice Deb uses in her own life to unlock stuck areas and warm up for dance.  The focus is on traditionally ‘stuck’ places in the bellydancer’s body, such as IT band, hips, back, legs, and psoas.  This module provides an overview of Dance Therapeutics and lays the groundwork for this body of work in level 1, level 2, and beyond.  The module includes lecture, demonstration, and experiential practices.

Day 2

10:00am-1:30pm  Dance Therapeutics Upper Body  3.5 hours
In this workshop, we will focus on the upper spine, ribs, shoulders, neck, and side body as it relates to belly dance.  We will learn how to unlock even the most 'stuck' places, like the thoracic spine, for ultimate movement expression in belly dance, and proper Tribal posture and frame that saves the shoulder joints. Drawing from Yoga Therapy, traditional Thai Yoga Massage, Yoga practices, Somatic education, and Deb’s personal stash, we will focus on creating more space and flexibility in the upper body, spine, and shoulders to directly support your belly dancing posture, arms, isolations, flexibility, and articulation of movement in order to create slinkier, more controlled slow movements and maximum expression through the arms, hands, and fingertips.  All of this will be directly applied to belly dance technique and stylization to integrate the material, including Deb’s explicit breakdown of her signature armwork and shoulder blade action to give the ultimate slinky tribal control, while still maintaining healthy joints and balanced biomechanics.  The main focus of this module is on the shoulde girdle and the relationship of the shoulder girdle to the spine and ribs, and the implicit relevance to belly dance.  We will then integrate the material through technique drills and short dance combinations. 

Day 2

3:00pm - 6:00pm  Awakening the Fluid Core  3 hours
This material is the conceptual and practical foundation of Deb’s unique core-centric approach to Tribal Fusion and how she trains the bodymind and builds dance movements from the inside out and from mat to the stage for holistic integration and body mind health, while still rocking high level artistry and movement.  After spending some time defining "core" and its key role in the belly dance body, we will then explore how to access and articulate it through Deb's signature core-integrated Yoga for belly dancers vinyasa to use as a warm-up for belly dance practice, as we cultivate strength THROUGH movement.  Through the somatized vinyasa, we will learn how to differentiate structural core from superficial core, how to access and engage the deepest musculature of the core for increased articulation and movement quality, to create internal stability as well as improved nuances and refinement of form.  Then we will directly apply these principles and practices to belly dance technique drills.  A comprehensive daily practice designed to prepare the body specifically for belly dance will be offered.  The workshop may also include: core conditioning, pranayama, bellyroll asana, and an experiential anatomy breakdown of the core.  Drawing from Yoga, Somatics, Anatomy Trains, Pilates, this is not your grandma's core conditioning.  We will introduce leading-edge somatic techniques and pull from the wisdom of multiple disciplines to refine our practice to best suit the spirals, coils, circles, and undulating movement pathways of a belly dancer.  A stronger core also contributes to a healthier low back.
*This module is wonderful for postpartum women, post-abdominal surgery recovery, chronic low back pain sufferers, and anyone looking to deepen their core connection, ignite the creative fire, re-connect to their power center and find their own voice.* 

Day 3

10:00am - 1:30pm  Dance Therapeutics Lower Body  3.5 hours
Drawing from Yoga therapy, traditional Thai-Yoga Massage, Feldenkrais, somatic education, partner yoga, and Deb’s personal stash of dance therapeutics, this workshop will deeply and safely help you increase spinal articulation, release the low back, hips, glutes, sacrum, and legs, dramatically increase ability for belly dance isolations and layering, and give you lasting tools for your own personal practice and dancer self-care.  All of this will be applied to tribal fusion belly dance.  A therapeutic daily series will be given for the low back and hips.  

This workshop sold out at Tribal Fest in 24 hours and is one of Deb's most requested workshops around the world. 

3:00pm - 5:00pm  Healthy Backbending: The Basics  2 hours
This workshop is an introduction to the spine and its fluid nature.  Drawing from the wisdom of Yoga and Somatics with an integral anatomy perspective and leading-edge bodywork technologies, this workshop focuses on the proper alignment and mechanics of backbending to save your lower back.  Beyond traditional Yoga asana, we will offer you a somaticized, yoga-based vinyasa flow daily practice sequence that is designed to develop the path towards healthy backbending with direct application to tribal fusion belly dance movement vocabulary.  

*Please note: The mechanics of basic backbending will be introduced and practiced safely.  The intermediate/advanced Healthy Backbending module of Dance Therapeutics is offered only in Level 2.  It is suggested that dancers integrate Level 1 into their practice for at least 6 months before moving on to Level 2, in order to organically increase the strength and flexibility necessary for sustaining deeper backbends. 

5:00pm - 6:00 pm  Self-Care for Dancers   1 hour
Deb will share with you some of her favorite practical and effective self-care techniques for maximum results with efficiency of time and effort, using bodywork tools and props.  We will revisit any topics from the weekend that still require some time, and any hot topics in the community will be addressed, as well as how to support your dancer body outside the studio, and how to best integrate the weekend's material directly into your life and your practice.  Please bring your questions! 

Applications of Dance Therapeutics for Level 2 will be discussed.  


Day 4

11:00am - 1:00pm Integration, Embodiment, Review  2 hours

Less talking, all practice!  Be guided by Deb through one 60-minute continuous flow mat practice, integrating practices from all the workshops of the weekend.  After spending the weekend learning the techniques, alignment, benefits, and breakdowns, this is your opportunity to drop out of your brain and fully into your body.  Enjoy relaxing your mind and being guided through Dance Therapeutics sequences in one long flow to feel the benefits, deepen your learning of the material, and see how to incorporate the practices from the workshops all together, to begin to develop your own personal practice.  There will also be time for Q & A at the end, so bring your questions or anything you want clarification on from the weekend.  This is the time to ask all your questions before testing, too!  From experience, this is the workshop where everything 'clicks' and synthesizes our weekend's material into embodiment.  

This is many students' favorite module. 

2:00 pm- 3:30pm   Testing for Level 1 Certification 

1 hr written test (offered as group)

1 hr practical test (offered in small groups 30 min. each)

Note: Anatomy, biomechanics of movement, leading-edge Somatics principles and practices, Yogic wisdom and practices, traditions and philosophies of wisdom are woven into each module of the weekend. 


Please bring a Yoga mat, strap or scarf, notebook, water bottle, and layers of clothes for temperature changes in the studio.  

Upon registration, an email will be sent to you with further suggestions on how to prepare, suggested resources, self-care props, etc.


(prices may vary, depending on location/country. Please contact your event organizer directly)

Advance Purchase: $475

Regular Price: $525


*Payment plans are available.

*15% returning student discount is available. 

*Email directly for payment info:  

*Space is limited to 25 dancers

*Optional testing for Level 1 certification is available. See below.

*CEUs are possible; contact the organizer.

*All sales are final.  No refunds are available. 



Additional $50 fee

At end of training

1 hour written exam, taken as a group.

1 hour practical exam, taken in small groups of 30 min.




Deb Rubin's Dance Therapeutics is a 4-level training program culminating in a teacher training module that allows you to become a teacher and ambassador of this body of work and to share it with others with Deb's blessing.  Dance Therapeutics Level 1 gives you the foundations necessary to start on your path and is just that, the starting point.  There is so much more in this vast and rich body of work to be experienced and integrated into your life to help you reach your goals, embody your best self, optimize your performance, and create the lifestyle and movement arts skills you desire.  If your experience in the Level 1 weekend moves you, if you feel benefits and changes in your body, mindset, dancing, and health and you would like to get more and go deeper, join our community and continue on this path of study by becoming Level 1 certified so that you can continue to evolve your craft and refine your body, health, training techniques, personal practice, and performance with Level 2 and beyond!  

Level 1 certification provides:

1. Eligibility for Levels 2 and 3 and to continue en route to Level 4 Teacher Training if that is something in which you are interested.  

2. Access to our private Facebook group with Level 1 initiates from all over the world to stay connected, have accountability and motivation for regular practice, build our community and share questions, 'ah ha's', ups, down, practices, successes, etc.

3. Continued access to Deb through that private Facebook group, with personalized attention and accountability, and the opportunity to ask her your questions all year round.

4. Exclusive content and additional accountability and support in the Facebook group. 

5. Discounts on some of my specialized Dance Therapeutics online content and classes.

6. Inclusion in this global tribe, accountability buddies and continued practice and support year-round through our Facebook group.

7. CEUs for your professional fields. Contact the organizer directly if interested. 

8. The personal satisfaction of a job completed and well done!

Level 1 certification requirements: 
1. Completion of the full, in-person training with Deb; attendance at all the modules; completion of all the assignments; positive participation and contribution in the group.
2. Completion of the written and practical tests at the end of the weekend with Deb. 
3. Completion of the online course Integrative Anatomy for Dancers; you will receive a $100 discount for the course.
4. Completion of your 10 hour home practice log.

These requirements must be completed within 3 months after our training.  If you are not available to test with the group at the end of the weekend, you can set up Skype testing with Deb after the event for an additional fee.  If you do not pass on the first go-around, re-testing is offered for a small fee. 


Level 1 certification test preparation:

Testing is offered at the culmination of the Level 1 training weekend with Deb. 

There is a written test and a practical test. 

All the test questions are taken directly from the course manual that you will be given at the start of Level 1 and will be gone over throughout the weekend, in order to prepare you.

We suggest going over the study questions at the end of each section.  If you can answer all of them, you will ace the test. 

There will also be a Q & A in the last workshop; come prepared with any and all of your questions and Deb will be happy to address them before testing. 

Statement From Deb Rubin, Creator of Dance Therapeutics:

"Testing is not required.  It is, however, recommended as a way to acknowledge your hard work and efforts in the training and as a portal, a first step to continuing training on this path and evolving to reach your dance and health goals.  I like to think of Dance Therapeutics Level 1 as the 'gateway drug'.  This is just the beginning.  From experience teaching this training now all over the world, I think it's pretty safe to say that your mind will potentially be blown, your body for sure will be unlocked and feel better, and many aspects of your dancing will improve significantly from our weekend. 

So the question becomes, "THEN WHAT?!"  How do you integrate these new concepts and practices into your personal practice and your dancing?  How do you retain the learning? How do you continue to deepen this education from brain information to body embodiment and integration?  When you choose to test for Level 1 certification, you are saying YES to your health, to integrating these new practices into your dance path, and to growing your dance.  You are also saying YES to joining our community of other embodied artists, dancers, healers, yogis, who are also on this path.  Through our community both online and in person, you will receive support, accountability, practice partners, new friends, access to resources, exclusive class content and practice sequences, and more with other like-minded artists who will speak your same new language and approach movement arts from the same vantage point.  

For me, I see Dance Therapeutics as an APPROACH to your dance and movement and life.  It is the foundation for how I teach tribal technique, belly dance mechanics, conditioning, drills, combos, and choreography development.  Our weekend introduces you to all the wild and wacky inside my brain, how I think about movement, how I train, the methods I've developed over 20 years to train the body more efficiently and effectively to become the rock star performer, dancer, and healthy human you want to be.  In our weekend together, you will learn my LANGUAGE of movement and my approach to embodied artistry.  Once we all speak the same language, THEN begins the fun part of maximizing your potential and dancing and artistry according to your goals in Levels 2, 3, 4!  I see level 1 certification as both a closure and an acknowledgement of your hard work and new learning in our weekend together, and also as just the beginning of a whole new world of exploration and possibility for you.  I hope you join me down this amazing rabbit hole of self-discovery ,movement mastery, and development! 

See you soon...Warmly, Deb Rubin"

What are other dancers saying about their Dance Therapeutics experience? (click)

Dance Therapeutics Level 1 Course Companions:

(click on titles to take you to online studio)

ONLINE companion course: Integrative Anatomy for Dancers Level 1: Fascia, Form, & Flow

Learn your muscles and fascial network needed for dancing. Learn your Anatomy Trains, applied specifically to both your Yoga and your belly dance.  Learn why Fascia is the key to better understanding your body in motion, and how to use the myofascial system to unlock your pain patterns, improve agility, flexibility, fluid movements, integrative strength, and reach your movement potential. 

Completion of this online anatomy course is required for Level 1 certification.  It is a pre-requisite for Levels 2, 3, 4, Teacher Training.  

Students of DTL1 receive exclusive $100 student discount.  Contact us: for your coupon code. 

Dance Therapeutics for ATS: Online Course

This 13-class series was created by Dance Therapeutics creator, Deb Rubin, and ATS® Creator, Carolena Nericcio, for the specific movement vocabulary and unique body needs of ATS® belly dance.

This specialty class series gives you practical tools and warm-up sequences you can use right away, to unlock tension, improve mobility, strengthen your core, prevent injuries, release pain patterns, improve your dance, learn basic dancer anatomy, and take control of your own health. Learn the warm-up practices to help you feel better in your body, protect your joints, build proper mechanics of your ATS® belly dance movements, and move with ease, fluidity, supported strength, and grace for years to come.

Each class focuses on a different aspect of your ATS® training and movement vocabulary, and includes a Dance Therapeutics mat sequence led by Deb Rubin, followed by direct application to your ATS® dance, in a lead-and-follow flow practice led by ATS® Creator, Carolena Nericcio and/or members of Fat Chance Belly Dance®. With this format, you will get to put your newly unlocked and balanced body directly into motion, and feel the benefits immediately in your dancing.

Audio Files: Dance Therapeutics Level 1 Practice Companion

Get audio recordings of Deb leading you through 6 key sequences from DTL1, to use in your home practice. 

*Benefits: Review & remember the sequences, Get your desired body results through regular practice, You don't have to look up at a video screen, so you can focus in on your own practice, be fully present, and listen to the sound of the teacher's voice to guide you.  

$30 fee

Venmo @Debra-Rubin, include your email address, and dropbox link with 6 audio files will be sent to you via email. 



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